Sunday, April 2, 2017

An Accidental Hike

Today, I embarked on a hike that was a little over three miles...accidentally. Yes. I accidentally went on a three mile hike. You're probably wondering how I could accidentally go on a hike, or why I even ventured outside the safety of the indoors. My answer to that is I don't know. I ventured outdoors because I was bored, and then we got lost in the woods a little bit. We made it out alive.

The hike started off in the woods. We found a trail and followed it. Where we started was near a pond, where we ended up when we made it out of the woods, was an open field on the opposite side of the pond. I don't entirely understand how we could have possibly ended up on the opposite side, but it happened. As we were walking, we heard what sounded like creepy ice cream truck music. It was slightly alarming, but it stopped as we continued to walk. Eventually, after three miles, we ended up back at the car.

I don't really know what I wanted to say with this blog post, but maybe it has to do with stepping out of a comfort zone. As I'm going through my first year of college, I find myself doing things that I never thought I'd do like walking alone or walking over train tracks way up in the air. I've stepped out of my comfort zone many times, most of which were accidental. Maybe that's why I have started doing things that I never would have done before. With things being accidental, I don't think about it as much and just do it. I think that's the thing, the more we think, the less we do. maybe its just the way the human brain is wired to work. Constantly thinking about things that we don't like, or things that we are dead set on not doing makes us incapable of actually doing things and living our lives. If we constantly think more and do less, then we will never learn new things and have memorable experiences. We end up being stuck in our same old routines and never stepping foot in anything new. We create bubbles for ourselves and we get stuck.

For me, I have always kept to myself and stayed in my bubble. I think college has changed that for me a little bit and I'm actually doing different things. I don't really like the outdoors, and today's hike left me itchy, sweaty, sore, and probably a little sunburnt, but I realized I do like to walk. It's nice to just walk around and look at stuff from a different perspective. It makes the bubble I created for myself less of a bubble. So my message here is to go out and do things without thinking. Be a little reckless (be safe and make smart decisions while doing it though) and have an adventure. It might change your perspective a little bit.

1 comment:

  1. "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone," but sometimes it requires a little push. :)
