Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Finals Week Is Here

It is December. Finals week is upon us. Stress is in the air. But for some odd reason, the stress for me is no longer manifesting in such a way that I am not even  stressed at all. There is no looming dread hanging over me. I know that for most people, finals week is a defining moment in the entire semester. However, I don't see the logic in thinking that way. Finals week is not a defining moment. These grades may or may not alter your grade and GPA for the semester, but no one grade is what changes the course of your entire college career. Too many times do people stress out over finals week as if they're fate for the rest of college will change if they don't make the grade they are hopeful for on their final exams. I believe that people shouldn't think this way. Finals are just another grade to me. Finals may be easy and some may be hard. It really depends on the class, the teacher, and how much you have worked during the semester for that class. If you work hard during the semester and don't wait until the end, then finals week should be a breeze. If not, then in my opinion you deserve to be stressed. You are the cause of your struggles if you don't do the work. Sure I was stressed last week, but it wasn't over finals. It was over the swiftness of everything that was coming towards me. I couldn't handle the workload of last week, but now that it is over I can be more or less stress free for finals week. I do still have stress, but it is no where near the monster that I was dealing with last week. This stress is more like a mosquito. They are annoying, but not something that is hard to manage. Given the choice, I'd rather a mosquito bite than a monster with teeth bared standing before me. I think that this is something that people need to realize. Worrying over a few tests that in no way define you is pointless. It is wasted effort when you could be doing something else. Maybe I have just found some good distractions, but even so, I in no way feel stressed. I don't quite understand it and I might be getting repetitive, but I hope my points are making sense. 

Anyway, if you are like me and are in the midst of finals week then take my advice. Try not to stress so much about grades that will be insignificant to you in the future. When you've long since graduated from college, these grades are going to mean nothing. They are just stepping stones to your degree. Sure it might be hard, but some stones are heavier to carry than others. In the end, they all end up in the same place. Who ever said stepping stones all had to be the same size and shape? I hope this metaphor makes some sort of sense. The point is, don't stress so much because it is wasted energy. Think about other things and let the work you have done throughout the semester show though your finals.

And to those of you who have already finished your finals or are near finished, don't stress about what you got for you grades. I guarantee that you have done better than you think you did. That is usually the case, because when we get stressed out we naturally start to doubt our abilities.

I think I'll end my speech here. Good luck on your finals and try not to stress so much.

Until Next Time...

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