Since that day, Lis has been bugging me to write a blog post on it. Here I am, doing just that. Now, I didn't want to write such a short post about Lis's strange milk drinking habit, so I decided to take a look at other various forms in which milk can be seen.
Here in America, when you buy milk in the grocery store it comes in a plastic jug. Most commonly they are gallon or half gallon jugs.
These plastic jugs are made of a flimsy, yet still hard plastic. I'll admit that I don't know much about it, but I do know that when dropped, they aren't likely to break. Anyways, to me, this plastic seems like a lot of plastic for one small jug. Plastic is one of the biggest problems with recycling and trash in the world today. It is everywhere. Many times people throw plastic away, and I feel like it is such a waste. Despite this, people still buy milk in plastic jugs. This is because it is about the only thing that is actually available.
Plastic jugs are not the only form that milk takes. Now I am going to talk about bagged milk.This gets a lot of laughs from a lot of people. In parts of Canada and a few other countries, milk comes in little plastic bags.
I don't understand why people think that it is such a weird thing to have milk come in a bag. There is a lot less plastic involved in it. Smaller, thinner plastic produces less waste than a bulky plastic jug. Maybe it is because people who don't have milk in a bag don't know or understand how to pour it. For some reason, people can't comprehend putting the bag in a pitcher and snipping the corner. It really isn't that hard to comprehend, yet I get funny looks when I explain how it works.
Personally, I think bagged milk is cool. It takes up a lot less space in the fridge than a bulky gallon jug and it is better for the environment if it makes less plastic in the long run. Even so, people just don't understand.
Over the years, milk has also been packaged in glass bottles and paper cartons, but you don't see many of those anymore. About the only kind of milk that I ever really see in a paper carton is the weird almond or soy milk or whatever other milk it is. I don't really know. I don't drink the artificial milk. As for glass bottles, we don't really see those anymore. I wonder why that is. Glass bottles are cool. They can be used for so many different things, so why did we switch over to mainly plastic packaging?
On another note, the packaging of milk is different depending on where you are but the way people drink it is usually always the same. You pour it into a glass and you drink. You don't add anything else to it, with the only exception being chocolate syrup to make chocolate milk. I have never in my life seen someone put ice in milk. That is with until Lis decided to one day sit down at the table at lunch with a glass of milk with ice in it.
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(Note that this is actually iced coffee because I could not find a picture of iced milk. Let this be proof that ice in milk is in no way a thing. Carry on.) |
Does anyone else in the world put ice in milk? Am I the only one that sees a problem with it? I don't think anyone else does this. Lis might just be a little crazy. Well, she's my friend so she ought to be a little crazy to put up with my crazy. Despite this, the disagreement between "iced milk" (I'm calling it iced milk because that is clearly what it is) and just a plain glass of milk still stands.
Honestly, why put ice in milk if it is just going to get watery and gross? That is the way I see it. My opinion is not changing. The combo of ice and milk equals no for me. Personally, I don't drink milk as much as I used to, but this draws the line. This is too weird, and quite honestly feels wrong. It seems like a disservice to milk. It never asked to be treated with such disrespect. It only came here to make our bones stronger (That's what milk does, right? I'm no expert).
With that being said, I'll leave you to sit and ponder this new milk thing that my friend has revealed to me. I won't try it. However, if anyone else drinks milk with ice in it, leave a comment or let me know. I genuinely want to know because it just seems so weird to me. Thank you for reading my strange post on milk, I hope it didn't seem too strange.
Until Next Time...
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